Welcome to my funeral, is a dance-theatre performance directed by Brandon Lagaert on four dancers of Equilibrio Dinamico Dance Company,  which addresses the increasingly blurring of the borders between both the real and virtual world.

Our dependency connected to technology has completely changed the way we relate to others and the physical world around us. Simultaneously is the virtual world becoming increasingly more realistic with haptic feedback, artificial intelligence and algorithms learning from human input.

How do we as humans use technology to feed our own egos? How do we use technology to form unique bonds with others? How do we use technology to manipulate strangers?

These are some of the questions that the performance addresses through intermediating between playful jabs at the inner logic of the virtual world and the serious threats of social dissociation.

Constantly fed by the motherboard,
we roam these virtual lands
Unable to flip the switch,
the batteries will soon come to an end
Let us all shout out: Welcome to my funeral!

“Welcome to my funeral, as the title already evokes, attempts to stage the impact of technology on humanity and its relationships, sacrificing a large part of the scenic space with the generator, through which metaphorically, it expresses the underlying theme.”

Click here to read the article
Excerpt from an article of journalist Sofia Bordieri


But in reality, VR is used here as a pretext to reflect on the new ways in which people interact with power dynamics. The company's choice is not to outline yet another version of a future that is on the threshold of the door, but rather to show the new mechanisms that are generated in individuals.”

Click here to read the article
Excerpt from an article of journalist Simona Cappellini

Choreography: Brandon Lagaert
Artistic assistance: Sara Angelucci
Performance and creation: Alessandro Ottaviani, Anabel Barotte Moreno, Olivia Grassot, Tonia Laterza
Music: Felix Machtelinckx
Light design:
Alessandro Caso
Costumes: Franco Colamorea
Management and executive production: Vincenzo Losito
Production assistant: Alessia Cofone
Production: Equilibrio Dinamico
Co-production: Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, ResExtensa/Centro di produzione della danza Porta d’Oriente with the support of Fondazione Nazionale della Danza/Aterballetto
Trailer: Andrea Mafrica
Pictures: Claudio Montanari