The currency of time, a short film directed by Brandon Lagaert, was created in collaboration with 9 students of the Cyprian dance education PERA.

The story revolves around a woman's journey as she navigates the space between life and death, a path illuminated by the collective memories and guidance of her tightly-knit community.
Each member contributes to her voyage, recounting shared experiences and unique moments that deeply impacted their lives.

This narrative journey is not just a tribute to the woman's life, but also a reflection on the community's resilience in the face of loss. As they come together to guide her spirit to the afterlife, their shared grief transforms into a powerful bond of collective healing, reaffirming their faith in life's cyclical nature.

Pulled from the empty water.

Guiding the one, who can not see.
They guide, us who could not feel.

We are nothing more than repurposed energy.

Director and choreographer: Brandon Lagaert
Artistic assistance: Sara Angelucci
Performance and creation: Mikołaj Bielnicki-Job, Chloé Chardevel, Alicja Cieryt, Julia Egorova, Margarida Ferreirinha, Íris Franco, Iva Matošević, Iolanda Nóbrega, Anastasiia Zhidkova
Music: CO.AG Music
Production assistant: Ester Franca, Gabriela Sarmiento, Erdi Çalikusu, Barlas Sahinoglu
Pictures: Eleonore Boissin

Filmed in Girne, Northern Cyprus with the help and organisation of PERA.

Special thanks to PERA school of Performing Arts, Lloyd Miles, Barlas Sahinoglu, Erdi Çalikusu, Aycan Garip and The Cyprian weather gods.