Oni wa soto, a 4 week long creation with the 3rd year students of the dance department of Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi has resulted in this evening length performance.

The performance is a blend of soft flowing movement qualities, Noh theatre appearances, hints of achronological narrative and surreal lighting resulting in what could be considered as magic realism.

The creation took inspiration from both Noh theatre and the Setsubun festival.

Setsubun is a yearly Japanese ritual done at the beginning of spring in which the participants throw beans at one of their family members wearing the oni (devil) mask while shouting ''Oni wa soto!'' (Devils out!).

Choreography: Brandon Lagaert
Artistic assistance: Sara Angelucci
Project coordinator: Lorenzo Vannacci
Light + light design:
Paolo Latini
Sound: Andrea Centonza
Sound design: Brandon Lagaert
Scenography: Alice Capoani & Mattia Franco
Nunzia Lazzaro, Fabiola Soldano
Pictures: Masiar Pasquali
Video: Fabio Brusadin

Performance and creation: Carla Andolina, Marco Bosetti, Chiara Carducci, Aichatou Cherif, Elena Della Manna, Mariangela Di Santo, Carmine Dipace, Claudio Gattulli, Giacomo Graziosi, Veronica Messinese, Carlotta Perego, Linda Petruzzelli, Ilenia Maria Tundo, Arianna Villa.

Coordinator of the contemporary dance depertment:
Marinella Guatterini

Invited by Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi in frame of the graduation performances.

A sincere thank you to:
Tatiana Olear, Marinella Guatterini, Lorenzo Vannacci, the costume department, the scenography department, everyone who was involved in one way or another.

Premiere: 14th of June 2023 at Triennale, Milano Italy