A slight hint is a snapshot of the piece Doggy Rugburn, which zooms in on two specific characters and the relationship they have with one another. Are they a couple, simply lovers or maybe even strangers, whatever they are it won’t stay healthy for long.

This duet addresses themes such as toxic relationships, rising up to power, the breaking of hierarchical power structures, manipulative behaviour,… in short nothing of the best that mankind has to offer.

The piece is strikingly visual, physically performative with hints of a narrative without becoming a linear story.

Choreography: Brandon Lagaert
Performance and creation: Sara Angelucci & Brandon Lagaert
Pictures: Aline Zandona

Based on the performance “Doggy Rugburn” created with the performers of Aura: Arno Verbruggen, Hayleigh Smillie, Hueng Won Lee, Julija Mintautė, Laura Cornejo, Lin van Kaam, Marine Fernandez, Matthew Livingston, Natsuho Matsumoto, Thibault Rousselet

Premiere: No date yet defined.